Our offices will be closed until Thursday January 2nd, for New Years. If you have any urgent issues, you can still call into your district for assistance.

Mainline & Hydrant Flushing Information

Discolored or Cloudy Water

Is it Safe to Drink?

Good water practice and the California Department of Public Health require periodic flushing of mainlines.  The dates of these flushings and locations are posted prior to beginning.

Occasionally, you may notice the water coming from your faucet is discolored, cloudy or sediment .  While it is not aesthetically pleasing, discolored water is safe.  But why is your water an odd color?

Is my Water Safe to Drink?

Discolored water may not be aesthetically pleasing, but it is safe to drink.  However, Utility Management Services does not recommend using discolored water to do laundry.  Clothes may become stained.

Discolored water and trapped air are common occurrences after a water main break or other water system maintenance work. Discolored water is caused by sediment and mineral deposits in the pipes that can be stirred up when the water is turned off and then back on following work on your water system.

Flushing the COLD water pipes in your home or business usually clears up the discolored water and will allow trapped air to be released.

After a Water Main Repair:

After water main repair work is completed in your area, flush the COLD water lines in your home or business using the following steps.

  • UMS suggests running all COLD water taps for about five minutes or until the water runs clear.
  • Begin with the lowest faucet in your home or business and then open the other faucets one at a time, moving from your lowest floor to your highest.
  • Once the water runs clear, usually in five minutes or less, turn off your faucets in the same order, lowest to highest.
  • You should also flush your refrigerator’s water lines.

If you have any additional questions, please call Customer Service at 530-717-2600.